The Best Fitness Apps To Try Now

The Best Fitness Apps To Try Now

Updated by Victor Madril on Oct-2-2019 

Fitness apps are the real deal, actively competing with gyms and private trainers and providing real results.

Our three favorite fitness apps let you sweat at your convenience and offer a variety of workouts at various levels.

Getting healthy and sticking to a workout routine is something that we all put on our to-do lists with the best of intentions. But it can be pretty intimidating to step into the weight room at the gym or pop into a yoga studio when you haven’t in a while — or ever. You’re not alone in that fear. And while most people will tell you to book time with a personal trainer to help alleviate some of that anxiety, not everyone has hundreds of dollars to plunk down every session.

So what’s a person in that position to do? Turn to your phone, of course.

Working out is easier than ever, thanks to the library of fitness apps that seem to roll out on a real-time basis. These apps give you the guidance of a personal trainer at your own convenience — whether that’s at the gym or in the comfort of your own home. Some of them are free, while others charge a small recurring fee, but none of them are nowhere near as expensive as a trainer.

The best part about them is that they are fully customizable. You can use them to get yourself strong enough to go to regular HIIT classes, or use them as your regular workout. No matter what you decide, you’ll have a solid workout in the amount of time you want it. The following apps are so fun to use, you’ll want to work out daily.

Fitness apps are the real


If you’re new to working out, or are trying to find your new favorite workout, Aaptiv is a great option for you. It has over 5,000 workouts, with 30 being added every week. They range from yoga, cycling, elliptical, strength training, and more. Each one is audio-guided by a professional trainer, so you’ll always know what you’re doing next. And you can use it at the gym or at home. Best of all? Each workout is accompanied by some of the best workout music you could ever want. (iOs and Android, $15/month)

Nike+ Run Club

Whether you’re new to running or a seasoned pro, Nike+ Run Club is the perfect app to turn to when you want to lace up your sneakers. It has an entire library of guided runs for you to choose from, ranging in time and length. There’s even a run called the “I Don’t Want To Run Run,” which is one of the most relatable workouts we’ve ever heard of. Prefer to go it alone? You can put in a time or distance you’d like to run, and then hit the road. Nike + Run Club syncs up with your Spotify, too, so you can jam out while pounding the pavement. (iOs and Android, free)

Alo Moves

Yogis of the world, you’ll love Alo Moves. The app breaks down its classes into single classes and plans. So you can pop in and out of your favorite classes whenever you want, or follow a plan that guides you on a multi-class journey. Regardless of what you choose, you’ll find a class that’s instructed by some of the top names in yoga. If you have specific things you want to work on, the Alo Moves has those, too — from headstand workouts to guided meditations. Namaste indeed! (iOs and Android, $20/month)

And when you’re done working out? Reward your muscles with some CBD For Life Rub. It’s a soothing balm that helps to relieve discomfort so you can keep moving. Apply it post workout so you feel ready for another workout tomorrow.


Victor Madril

Bachelors Degree in Business Management with a demonstrated history of working in the health, wellness and Cannabis industries. One of the original founders of CBD For Life with a passion in human optimization. Worked in the Cannabis industry for 7+ years where I gained first hand knowledge of dealing with patients and recognizing the healing benefits of this amazing plant. If I am not golfing…. I am dreaming about it.
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